Tina, the Turtle lives in the Children’s Room of the Katonah Village Library. Tina is a Texas river cooter, a freshwater turtle who lives mainly in the Southwestern United States.
Tina was left on the Library’s doorstep in the fall of 1991 (along with a gecko). In 2012, she turned 20 years old, and there was a town-wide party. Tina likes to eat turtle pellets, fruit, freeze dried shrimp, peeled grapes and lettuce.
When Tina arrived at the Library, she was tiny and weighed barely 1 lb. Over the years, Tina has grown to now be almost 5 pounds! Along the way, Tina has outgrown several of her tanks.
Tina enjoys being outside the water, too. (She has a summer home in the Library’s Serenity Garden.)